
The new Emu Park Lions web pages are designed to be as easy as possible to navigate and find what you are looking for. Sometimes though, it may not be obvious where to go.

The web pages are primarily intended to promote the activities of the club. Most of the information is available to anyone who cares to drop in, either from a web search or by typing the page link directly on your computer or device. Some areas and pages are not visible to the public or will show as protected. These pages require a password to access or to be a logged in user. We do this to keep our members personal information private. (Information like mobile phone numbers and email addresses are in high demand among unethical people all over the world.)

The web page will display very well on any device from about 10 inch screen upwards. Smaller devices will generally also play nice with the possible exception of one or two areas. Turning your device on its side may make it possible to see this content. You might need to enable rotation if you have locked the screen in portrait.

The menu is fairly simple with some of the entries having other menus beneath.

HOME – This is the main home page. Normally you would land on this page when you open our web pages.

EP Lions News – This page is our news area. Here will be articles of interest dealing with what we are doing and things that are happening in our area.
Due to the limited assistance we have to look after the web pages, we do not allow comments. This is always a heavy work load since visitors seem to ask unnecessary questions and spammers feel compelled to try to tell us about their various pills and doubtful patent remedies. It just ain’t worth the bother. If you wish to make a comment therefore, please us the forms. In some articles there may be a form at the end while in others you will have to simply use the contact area. Please bear in mind it may take a few days for the right person to see your message.

ABOUT – Some basic information about our club.
-> Location – A little info on our area.

CONTACT – Information and a form to make contact with our club.

Events – This leads to a detailed list of meetings, events and some entries for other groups.
-> My Bookings – This is a new area where we can have events ticketed or have volunteers put their name down for workings etc. This will be developed over time.
-> Categories – Use this menu to list events for the next month or so. There is also a search here where you can find events easily.

Join Lions – WE Need You! <(*_*)>

Markets – This is the info page for the markets and making online bookings. Markets is a monthly activity that takes a lot of work. If you can help please let Lyn know when and where. We also need people on the day to man the info Kiosk.
-> EP Markets on Facebook – Yes, we have a Facebook page. Not many people to run this but we will try our best. Please use the forms on this page to contact us though.
-> Markets Terms and Conditions – Market sellers should read this and members also need to be aware of what is expected.
-> Markets bookings – This is the page where you can find contact details to book a market stall. There is also a form to make a booking online but this can not be used if you are a late booking after the previous Sunday.

Members Area –
-> Events Calendar – A calendar and information on our regular events.
-> Lions Ethics – Some of our principles and club meeting info.
-> Members Contact Details ** PROTECTED ** You need a password to access this information. Here members can fill a form to update their details.
-> Privacy – This is our basic privacy statement.
-> Help – This information.
-> Minutes of past meetings – We will try to keep this up to date.

If you have questions, compliments or anything else simply drop us a message on one of the contact forms. Use the one below to send a message to the web people. You can also use this form to send us a story to put on the web. One photo can be attached up to 6mb in size.

    * These fields are required

    Upload a photo. Size limit 2MB.